For me to step down. I'm thinking of retiring from modhood. quite a few reasons really.. C&T has plenty of mods now, and with the addition of forum helpers, it's just going to get better. Maybe it's the addition of the new mods, or the new mod positions, but I'm hesitant to say it's that. I think it's just gotten to the point where my opinions aren't cared about, the bullshit is piling up, and quite frankly, I think most of the other moderators don't give a flying ******** about me. Not that I blame them. I've been a bit of a pain to the team from time to time. I'm an a*****e, and they have to deal with whatever crap I put out. It's just gotten to the point where I don't see myself being really useful anymore. (if I ever was to begin with..) So, it may be time to retire. Quit while I'm behind. I know, more moderators is always a good thing, but.. Gaia could do just fine without my contributions. Lately it's just been moving things out of C&T, and making an a** out of myself in Q&F, and updating this journal. It's my little routine. Partly, I'm feeling a little bitter, too. Just got yelled at this morning for helping somone out in Q&F. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to say what I said. Normally, this wouldn't bug me. I would just go. "whoops", and continue about my day.. But this, well, I view it as pretty asinine. Personally, I think a lot of the "secrets" we have are bullshit things almost everyone knows anyways. They aren't dangerous, and there really is no harm in people knowing, especially since it wouldn't affect them in the last. But, for some reason, we can't let people know. That's like the government saying.. "Here's a secret.. We're everywhere." No s**t, sherlock. It's not like I want someone to coddle me and wipe my a**, and give me a congratulatory ******** everytime I don't royally screw up by posting, but a little appreciation would be nice from time to ******** time. Mostly, no one says 2 words to me, unless I piss them off. Which I apparently, do quite frequently. Not that I'm surprised. I tend to wax poetic with a meat cleaver and a bottle of vinegar to pour into the wounds. Hell, mso tof the time I think I shouldn't have been chosen as a mod anyways. I was the lesser of a s**t-ton of evils, but that doesn't make me not evil, or the right choice. Just "The least wrong" choice. Arg. Maybe I'm being angsty, I don't really know. It's been a shitty day so far, and I'm in a very unpleasant mood. I think I may just take a day or two, and *not* be a moderator. Just spread my specially seasoned vehemnce around the forum, and see what happens. OR maybe I'll just stop tapdancing around the issue that I'm sick of all the lies and bullshit and crap spewed out by the ignorant ******** on here. Sick of always having some petty and small minded individual downcry everythig you've ever done to help people. Sick of being tormented and harassed for all the work we do, sick of being belittled and reviled because someone couldn't follow the goddamned rules and lost their account. Sick of being blamed for every ******** on this site, when I'm only responsible for what I've done. Sick of basically throwing my time and effor into a hole from which only bats and poo-flinging monkeys fly out, with the occasional gem of a person who can read the rules, respect other people and post with their goddamned brains, not their sexual organs. But, that might be me being too upfront for some people. Sometimes, it looks better to hold back and not say anything at all.
Twistex · Thu Jan 27, 2005 @ 01:49pm · 10 Comments |