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Just like you, Just like them
You bend me so much I am going to break, you think I'm a toy, something to replace

I am more than just your toy, I have feelings, I need some joy

You cant keep taking away my heart, then shredding it up, and tearing it apart

I have feelings to, just like you, just like her, I have a heart, and I should matter

You tell me you love me, and then we just fight, you call me stupid, it just isnt right

Not sure if you realize, this is abuse, and I cant take much more of this hatred from you

I have a heart just like everyone else, I wont let you tear me, I wont let you kill me, I am dying here, dont you see

You, yes you, you're killing me

My heart has lost a lot of space, my memories of the good, are being replaced, I am getting more scars, not the kind that heal

I am falling apart, and you say I dont feel

I have a heart, just like you, just like him, I cant bend so far, I'm feeling broken

You scar me with words that are shredding my heart, yes me, I have a heart, just like you, just llike them.

What you are doing here, it is a sin, but me, yes me, I feel like giving in

She tells me I cant give in to those words, but it feels like the only form of control

You have taken everything, I am lost and alone, but you still pick at me, grinding at my bones

Soon there will be no more of me left, soon everyone will see my lost breathe, But you will keep looking on and on, and nobody will see that you were the cause

Killing me, tearing me, pretending I'm fake, slaughtering, grinding, ripping and blame

These are the games, you say you dont play, but here I am, a witness to them, here I am with the ache in my heart, yes me, I have a heart, just like you, just like them.

Taran D.

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