First of all. The AETA passed.
In case you didn't know what this means...for all my friends that aren't into politics.
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is a legislation that considers peaceful protest an act of "terrorism". They consider undercover investigation an act of "terrorism". They consider whistle blowing an act of "terrorism". If people start to boycott a corporation for their exploitation of animals, the federal government will seek out the organizer of that boycott and try them as a terrorist. This act allows illegal wire tapping of animal rights advocates (as if it wasn't done before).
2 of the main sponsors of this legislation are two people backed by animal exploitation corporations. This just goes to show how corporate profit is worth more than any life in this country.
History has proven time and time again that any threat will be silenced through legal (illegal) means. It just goes to show that we are a threat and we have scared these corporations so much, we have scared our government so much that they are now trying to throw us all in jail and shut us up. I hope I never see the day another one of my close friends goes to jail.
The animal rights and environmentalist community are now considered the #1 domestic terrorism threat. And are now being treated like it. We have officially been stripped of our right to speak out against animal and earth exploitation. Expect raids, expect interrogations, whatever they try to do. DO NOT SPEAK TO LAW ENFORCEMENT.
Another thing. We do not have the freedom of speech in this country. It's considered a privilege. As shown, we can say whatever we want but when our words become to powerful, they will strip us of that right to speak out. Like I said, if it will be treated like a privilege it is not a "freedom".
Last but not least. They will not let us protest peacefully. They will not let us speak out. They will treat us like terrorists if we are caught doing so. After reading this walk out side, you can probably not go further then 20 feet without finding a rock. Take that rock and think of what's around you. There are plenty of windows. You can not walk more than a mile without seeing a form of exploitation.
In solidarity, with love. veganTHIS
Butt[Lips] · Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 03:10am · 1 Comments |