The rich grow richer;
the poor poorer.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Can anyone identify for me a cause in this situation?
Now can anyone illuminate the effect of said cause in aforementioned situation?
Let's recap:
Since the last celebration of our "Independence"
(from one hand to another?)
the American Pseudo-Democracy has revoked the historically honored law of habeas corpus (meaning people no longer have a right to petition in a court of law the reason for their being detained), hearsay evidence can now always be used in trial (which formerly wasn't so, as hearsay evidence constitutes testimony received outside of the court room, such as through illegal methods (bugging, wire tapping) and/or unethical means (torture). To top it all off, the Geneva Conventions are out the window (torture is now QUITE OKAY and ACCEPTABLE).
So basically, if Mr. President (see also: the army of evil at the reins of that vile machine) deems any one of us an "unlawful enemy combatant" we can be locked up indefinitely for absolutely no proven reason never to see the light of a court room never to be heard from again and viciously tortured until the end of our days. And maybe if we do, somehow, make it to the court room, they will convict us based on a false confession given under the suffocating pressure of being starved cruelly for weeks in an endlessly chilled midnight stone room, void of all sunlight and human interaction. Maybe at that point we will be martyred in the press, crucified on television, as our struggle crescendos in a poignantly ironic climax where we become the scapegoat, tail-pinned personally by the puppet master’s hand, so that they can once again get away with massacring thousands of their own citizens for a hefty bounty, not to mention invaluable assets earned through the violent twisting of history’s psychology.
Read up on the Military Commissions Act, passed Oct 17th of 2006, if you missed it. It seems a lot of people know nothing about it, and perhaps that is how they intended it to be, and how it actually passed into law.
Happy Fourth of July.
But don’t be fooled,
this is no celebration of comfortable indifference and plastic Liberty.
Let today be a celebration of change;
a celebration of knowing that we as the people hold the power
so long as we refuse to stand idle slaves any longer
so long as we unite wholly against our common oppressor.
Love will show you the way,
For Love is the true heart of Justice,
Not Greed.
And those of us already there,
Shall be waiting…