my thoughts on KHII secret ending
What are your thoughts on the KHII secret ending? Omigosh... xDD So many.. many... *laughs* I think that the scene in the secret ending definately has to take place sometime in the past of the future... I'm thinking the past though. I also think that the chasers are the 1st enemy. In the 13pts from the 1st secret ending, it says that the nobodies were the 3rd enemy. I also think that it has something to do with people's "souls" or something along that line. There are three parts, the body, heart, and soul.... Plus they don't show you the symbol for the soul when Roxas draws it on the table to the study when you first start the game. The crossroads I believe represents the four worlds noted in Ansem's Secret Reports which is Light, dark, in-between and the present world. Also, the word "paradise" works into here somewhere, and it's also noted in Ansem's Reports. I'm not sure what terms of paradise we're dealing with here. It's hard to define everyone's goals and the shadowy figure, but, when KH III comes out all bets are off...! XD