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arg sooo halloween evil as you know my annoying mom wont let me go trick or treating even though ariel and annley invited me so i asked my mom she said no i said but i only want the candy she no so i tell annley she tells her mom to call my mom to ask my mom says no so then in math i find out only me and hannah arent going and anna says emma what are you being for halloween and i said im not going trick or reating and she says o i feel so bad for you and says so other very jappy and annoying things then the day of halloween in math mrs. shwartz(the lady with 5 identities) is like i dont want to give you alot of homework for halloween cause you all gonna be trick or treating and me and hannah both look at each other cause we want to go trick or treating and anna is like emma in an annoying voice erg i hate her then on the bus hat morning i was sitting with tamar not my fault! and im like today is halloween i wish i could go trickortreating and she is like well i dont because suposidly thousands of jews were slaughtered on halloween and im like uh yeah... then she was doing that awkward silence thingy that makes you feel like your gonna die so i had to start singing the ants go marching two by two and then she ade me go all the way to twelve and then try and sing it to alexandra but i made her not. then the next day annley had a pink head, dani was telling me that only one percent of america doesnt go trick o treating and that one percent is us then i said no it is us and the revonah people except for eli. then in tefilla i said it is us the revonah people and monsey new york and then we had a discussion about that if you wear pants there they will arrest you and then ariel gave her a bag of candy (im gettin mine tomorrow) and dani tried to sneak me half a crunch bar while we were walking to gym with out joan seeing us because she was following us and telling us about her collection of 5 empty m&m tubes and no trust me annie she is not replacing you and then we ran into annies mom who was trying to find mrs.mkeons room we helped her find it and told her to say hi to annie and then in gym danielle whacked me in thee eye with her hand and i got to sit out so yeah thats about it except for next gym we are having a discussion because in the words of coach joe,
"you girls have a serious attitude problem"
so i gotta finish up cause in 8 min tamar is coming over for our science report(please help me) and that is it bye bye
by the way read slawter it was good

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s p a z z z !
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 01, 2006 @ 11:06pm
*LE GASP* how did ya know i was reading?!?!??! you physcic!!!

so. questionssss, plzz. whos anna? anna LIPKIN? O_O and awww!! imma give candy to lizzie and shell give it to you!!!!! biggrin cos i lovethh thee so much xoxoxoxoxo biggrin lyl!! tell dani ilh2!!

commentCommented on: Thu Nov 02, 2006 @ 12:50am
oo really thanks yeah anna lipkin and are u sure lizzie will give it to me? today everyone was saying how much candy they got and ben was like i got 7 pounds because i went to park avenue which is known for giving candy

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dani luvz annie
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Nov 06, 2006 @ 10:40pm
aww em, im so sorry fo hitting you in the eye, i was just trying to show u my amazing skills of making different ways to put the gym shirt thing that tells you what color you are on...oh yeah, its called a JERSEY. anyway, what happened in my case with coach joe was i went out of gym, because i always just find a way to slip out of the gym and skip class. so eli was there so im like 'eli! i saw yur brother in the nurse' which i actually did. so here was the convo in the nurse em: oww! dani, u poked me in the eye!! me: oh, im so sorry, come, lets go to the nurse em: he will only let me go me: so ill just like...be in the bathroom if he asks em: okay ........walks down to nurse me: LOOK, its eli's brother isaac! hey isaac isaac: hello me: *gives him high five* me: are u hurt? isaac:no, i am bringing my friend here em: what class are u in? isaac: blue room me: thats so cool, i was in the blue room isaac: *looks afriad of me and em* em: i am in eli's math class isaac: tell eli i say hi me: okay, we will ............goes back to gym yes, so then i told eli that his brother said hi. and i walked back into gym and everyone was silent sitting across the wall in a line with coach jo and scallicy across and so i like run and just sit. then coach joe screams "*points a finger at me* YOU! GET OVER AND SIT DOWN RIGHT HERE *Points to other end of the line* so in my head im saying what the hell is going on. and coach scallicy says to joe, "did this girl (meaning me) ask you to leave?" and coach joe says, "nope, never!" and then he screams "girls in the bathroom! get out here now! i know you can here me!!" so then ariel, talya, and like 1 other person come out of the bathroom. then coach joe screams "i know there is one more person there GET OUT!!!" so then the 3 girls say "STOP IT! SHES CRYING!!!" and hes like 'i dont care, get out here." and then one of the 3 says " i dont think u know what it is like to be hurt...not physicaly, i mean like emotionally." so then alexandra comes out with wet eyes but like a smirk and coach joe says, " look, shes hurt and smiling." and so then he says ,"sit down" and gives a whole speech to everyone about how everyone has just been leaving the gym without asking......which i have. and then the bell rings so hes like "i can only keep you until 3:30 so next gym...we are just going to sit and talk about yur serious attitude problems. and then he says ," the four who left stay here" meaning me, and the 3 people from the bathroom, but they didnt know that he also meant me so they were like, "there were only 3!" and right when they said that i ran as fast as i could out of the room, almost pushing down the little 1st graders coming for their bus while he was calling me. yes, that was quite fun. THIS IS THE LONGEST COMMENT I HAVE WRITTEN IN MY LIFE SO I WILL PUT IT IN MY JOURNAL!

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