Okay, well this is my first journal entry. Yay for me. This is pretty much just a test entry for my journal just to get a sense of what it's like and such. SO I guess I shall ramble for a bit. I'll ramble about my online life.
Well, for starters, I've been on Gaia for a few weeks I guess. I don't really play a lot but I still play. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. More mature than Neopets. Obviously. It's a nice change.
I've been playing Neopets for 6 years. I still play and all, my account is Taknu2skule. That's my newest account so don't be fooled by the age. Feel free to neoMail me or what not there. From this Neopets experience, I have a general good idea about what and what not to write on a chatboards and such. eg. I don't use chatspeak or do anything n00bish. And I can distinguish the difference between n00b and newbie. Man it's a piss off when people use those two incorrectly.
I played Coke Music for 2 years. I don't play anymore. It kinda got old. I don't plan on going back to it. But if you're curious anyways, my accounts were monkey-bob and xtreme-snwbrdr.
Maple Story is another game that I am quite fond of. I've been playing it since ... pretty much the beginning of the beta version where I had a level 27 warrior called TayTay. My new user is (you guessed it) Taknu2skule. She's a level 62 spearman. And no I did not create her because the whole Dragon Knight fad. I've had her since the new version of Maple Story was created. I have 2 mules, one is a level 43 crossbowman. Her name is xXTayTayXx. And I have a level 33 Fire Mage called Pangaroo. FYI: I have taken a short break from Mapling just to get a better understanding of Gaia. But feel free to chat me on there too. My main is Taknu2skule.
I think that would be my entire online gaming info. I'm not much of a gamer as you can see. I stick to non fighting games really. Maple Story would be the closest thing to a fighting game.
taknu2skule · Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 01:24am · 0 Comments |