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FLASHY ANNOYING TITLE PAGE WITH BIG BOOMING VOICE!!! (that's supposed to be pink or orange...)
Okay, just warning you, I'm completely and totaly nucking futs........ or something like that....... so....... yeah........ (that too.......)
yay. parties are fun. I got to go to one last night. and I made out with three of my friends.......... all of them female....... *shrug* whatever. it was fun. party kinda got broken up when we got a suicide note (text actually) from another friend who was supposed to be invited *sends dagger eyes to host of party that failed to invite her*

we went through a big ritual thing to figure out if she was dead or not in said host's back yard..... well... one of us skipped the ritual and called some people to find out if she was still alive but either way, it worked... kinda cool, it was the first time I've actually joined magic with other people. felt great..... except for... y'know... the death thing.... yeah... felt like s**t afterwards too. I would've eaten the five leftover pizzas from earlier, but I got distracted and contented myself with chuging down a 2 liter bottle of sunkist (sp??) (which I don't normally drink but it was full of sugar and caffine) and eating a bunch of cookies and nasty mini cupcakes. *shrugs* eh.

Most of the party was fun though. wish there was alchahol... host parents didn't allow it though. should've stolen some wine or something. XP oh well ^-^. Happy early halloween heart heart

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Kiro Ruien
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 09:25pm
I DID invite her, but she didn't want to go.
Something about her only wanting to go if she could make out with everyone (uck). and alcholo.
She didn't want to go, so not my problem.

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