Bandies. Whoo. ^^;
Alright, so some of my "band" members and I ((no, not the school band; our would-be rock band. [sarcasm]Isn't that amazing?[/sarcasm] )) got bored and took pictures with my new digital. We're missing two of our members, but you'll just have to deal with that for now. ^-^ At any rate, I put the photographs on my computer and edited them. As you can tell, we are called "Bad Luck's Prophets." The little line-y by our title is from a Switchfoot song. I know what you're thinking. Shut up.
sweatdrop I'll replace it with one of our own lyrical verses as soon as I get off my mind's lazy arse and find something that's better ((which doesn't mean we don't have any, but the first picture I did.. Well.. The line fit just oh-so-perfectly!!
heart )) Anyway, here ye go. And the pixel-imprinted sublmiminal messages read "We are your Gods, buy our CD." Although, in reality, we don't have a published one.
Aren't we just the most pathetic things you've ever read of?
heart __
heart We love you.
Please let us own your souls.
Finals tomorrow. I have a life to live, believe it or not, so this is Dejah, signing off. Good night, Kos-Mos! ^^-
~Mysidia E. Hinme.

I'm the one who is supposedly "dressed as one of the male species." Yes, the one in the "Ye olde picture" style. I don't normally look like that. I promise.