I can draw you but it'll be My way, okies? rofl
Anyway here you go:

Just put two pics together and BAM! =D

My first guy done on the computer

I think my friends know this one =3

I was sad one day so i drew this.

(Lol it's much faster to draw with this style brush)X3
Moon~Light loves Dark evan though she's Light

This one didn't take as long also =P

xox_starlight_xox! =D

Haha i was bored again =3

Radical Rad!! cool

She's Mad


i Dunno O.<

My first Cople art =3
Avi Art done by others:

This ones from Mogi =3
*~Totally Non Avi related art =D~*

Full body right here.

Community Member
kawaii!!!! whee