Someone Tell Me
What's it like to be shrouded in a haze of your own lies and stupidity? How is it that people can be so ******** blind and stupid that they don't even realize they're doing nothing but setting themselves up? It's something I don't understand. All the time it's either "We got screwed over" or other words along those same lines just a different order. It's nothing but an excuse in my opinion. People blamingsomeone else for their problems, just as they always do, because that'swhat people are. A mass of lies and contradiction. That's what everyone is but then again...that's all they're meant to be.
For instance, a twenty-four year-old pregnant woman with a too busy husband to stay around to help do anything with the previous child is in a bit of a tough spot. It's the second trimester and yet she hasn't been to the doctor because of financial problems. In other words, they haven't paid the hospital for the last kids and they can barely pay for where they're staying. "We got screwed over. There was a fee we didn't even konw about til this time. $500." I don't give a ********. It's an excuse just as anything else people do and use. Can't take responsibilty themselves to it's obviously the doctor's fault. I swear I hope it's twins.
Being used over and over. Yes, this one's amusing too. "I just can't say no." Which means only one thing. This person's a ******** dumbass who enjoys it. I hope they have everything taken off them by their "friends" and family.
It's like it's always been. People aren't good for anything but destroying s**t and bringing down those that aren't at their level. It's a nice little concept but it's often missed. ::Shrug:: Brings new to the thought of 'I know something you don't know!'
The up side to all this, I got to do something that makes me happier than anything else around here. The piano ^_^. I remembered almost everything that had been taught to me over months ago. Only thing I seem to be able to remember in general anymore. It sounded nice though, once I got my fingers to work and reach for the keys during the right minutes. Hard as hell to get them both to do the same thing though.
::Stabs my left hand:: BAD! FOLLOW THE RIGHT ONE NEXT TIME! DO NOT DEFY ME!! My dad heard a lot of that earlier before I actually realized I was playing what I was supposed fluently without much thought anymore. It's when I looked at the keys that I became confused. Funny littl' world isn't it? Oh well. I would be doing just that right about now but it's a bit hard considering my dad's sleeping not even ten feet away sad Doesn't matter I guess. Whatever. ::Shrug::
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