So, I know everyone has friends- andmost everyone in highschool has a group of friends they love to hang out with.
I love my group of friends, this year most of us were graced with the same lunch hour, which is a blast.
Theres at least 10-15 of us at a single round table per day, and trust me those things were not made to sit that many people. We usually have fun and giggle and get along. The whole ordeal like friends should.
On a dialy basis I have to wander about- still holding my lunch to find a ******** chair to sit in. Some poor soul provided our cafeteria with too little chairs. So I find myself one. Even though I USUALLY save myself one, I go do it anyways cause the seat is ALWAYS taken by the time I get out of that goddamn line. I lend my friends money, offer them my food, give them my seats, etc. I do alot for my freaking friends.
TODAY I was sick. Feeling quite sick actually. I was sick to my stomach, kinda light headed, my throat hurt like a b***h, and when I feel like that I DO NOT want to bitched at and I really dont want to have to fight people for a ******** chair they're saving for their friends. -_-;
So I took a seat that had a book sitting in it, my friend Jenny had been sitting there but had gotten up to go do whatever the hell she was doing. So I moved the damn thing and sat my a** down. Why? Cause I didn't ******** FEEL GOOD.
So what does everyone at the table do? Yell at me. I'm obviously a b***h for taking Jenny's chair. OBVIOUSLY she was saving it with her pitiful novel even though my algebra II book had been sitting in front of a chair for ME. Kayla keeps calling me a b***h, and an a** and on and on for taking a ******** seat from a person I've probably let barrow 20$ in MY lunch money, given a total sum of 1/3 of my lunch, and other things over the past couple years. THE SINGLE person at that table who DOESN'T buy her own lunch, instead steals other peoples food. Okay, so I took her ******** chair.
Cause yesturday I didn't see her making room for me when I had to sit outside of the table with my lunch on my ******** lap. Or how about paying me back? Hmm? How about being a friend for once instead of a little leech?
Jenny returns from whatever the hell she was doing. And WHINES. I mean she literally whines like a little ******** dog and cries about how I took her chair. I basically said: Hey, you can go find one. Or you can stand.
That pissed her off. And then she didnt have space at the table and made everyone move over. OKAY I wasn't THAT RUDE. I sat my ******** lunch on my ******** lap just YESTURDAY and ate. Sure, I didn't want to get it on my clothes either, but I was CAREFUL. Anyone can eat carefully and not ******** spill all over themselves like a 4 year old if they actually try.
It's disgusting.
So everyone proceeded to be an a** to me for the rest of the lunch period. And afterwards. So ******** em. I don't understand how people can hug me and be all: Lauren I love you! <333
And then turn around and b***h at me cause for once in the time that I've known them I took a reserved seat because I felt like ******** puking.
THANKS ALOT guys. I ******** love you too. It's so nice of you to just be an a** to me when I feel like s**t.
Sorry about the rant its just- been killing me.
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