The beings clashed in a furious battle of willpower and sheer utter fortitude, the one hissing it’s displease at being thwarted it’s easy meal. Dashing forward, his long, taloned hand extended, he bequeathed the other a blow upon her forearm, instantaneously drawing blood. She cried out, clutched her arm and looked down as it started to discharge its substantial crimson liquid.
As such, this gave him the chance he needed to take another swipe, giving her no chance to retaliate. The blow in question paid it’s attributes to her upper arm, not the formerly wounded side.
She fell to her knees, looking up upon her abuser with frightened, pained eyes as he delivered her a sharp backhanded blow for resisting him, a cruel smirk upon his lips as he continued to vituperate her.
She whimpered in consternation, a trepidation running down her spine as she lay cowering on the ground. His eyes flashed maniacally as he pulled her to her feet, snaking his arms around her from behind, his head hovering by her ear. She was panting with fright and fatigue, making no move as to get away.
His frigid, white arms were strangely luminous, and shone rather ominously in the intense full moon glowing from above, the obscurity from the heavily forested region filled with numerous trees reaching with old, bent, claw-like limbs toward the star-filled sky provided immense contrast.
Her corset limited her ragged breathing, her uncomfortable footwear and long skirts made her feel awkward, several of her long, black, curled tresses fell from her carefully done up hair, haloing her visage. Though her complexion was fair, it was of no match to his pale skin.
His odd fashion had perplexed her when she had first viewed him this night, his hair was longer then considered appropriate, and his mysterious eyes had captivated her, darker then a night without moon. His form-hiding black trench-coat hid his muscular mass, though it immediately drew one’s attention.
“If it please thou, kind sir, woudst thou please release me?” her voice trembled as she tried to contain herself.
“Quiet, woman, unless you would like another beating,” he growled, clenching her tightly for a moment. His foreign accent was hard to understand, and the young woman tried to make it out.
“But please, sir. Though thine eyes doth shine with cruel light, surely thou must-“
“I said quiet,” he hissed, pushing her roughly to send her stumbling back against an ancient tree trunk.
Terror gripped her heart as his elongated hands – appearing even larger due to the long, black, dagger-like claws at the end of each finger – encased her arms. She winced as he clamped down on the still bleeding abrasions of her upper right arm. Her large, innocent eyes opened in shocked surprise as he lowered his head to kiss her open wounds, his eyes pausing a moment on her womanly figure, and though the night was crisp with the first hint of the changing seasons, her blood-red top was low-cut. The black silk of her skirts and his cold hands – not to mention his commanding actions – sent a shiver down her spine.
He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, watching her hungrily as he leaned forward, inclining his head towards her, eyes flashing. “Your time grows short, my darling.”
She grew more obsequious, her retinas dilated at his terminology as his gaze reached to the Heavens above. Despite herself, her gaze followed his, and lay to rest on the moon. He chuckled his pleasure and then looked back downward upon her features with contempt.
“Please, sir, what art thou going to do with me?” She questioned, in an infinitesimal voice.
He looked at her long and hard before gazing at the moon another moment. “You shall find out soon enough…” he squeezed her arms for emphasis, causing her to wince. He smiled heinously at her as she cowered away from him.
Looking back at the moon, she gasped to see part of it going black. Such dark magic as she had never seen before and her body began to tremble. He released her, allowing her to sink to her knees but no more, keeping a watchful eye on her. He had waited too long and wasted too much time, he wasn’t about to let her escape now.
Bending down he knelt on one knee beside her, placing one clawed hand under her chin to turn her face towards him.
She looked at him, terror-stricken, if she hadn’t have been so petrified she might have turned away from him. He stopped her next plea as he leaned forward, his lips enclosing her own harshly to derive a moment’s sensual pleasure. He drew back and pushed her away from him, glancing at the moon impatiently a moment longer.
The black stain had extended its progress across the surface of the moon, about half-way across by this point in time. He hissed slightly in impetuosity, frowning as some bird made a piercing cry into the night, making the young female jump and quiver slightly. The male looked at her with complete and utter indifference, gazing at the moon intently once more, growing increasingly more and more impatient.
He hissed slightly as the moon grew less and less bright, slowly being overcome by the dark shadows. “Stand,” he hissed to the girl in front of him.
She rose hesitantly to her feet, cowering away from his outstretched claws. He grasped her by her arm and drew her forward, pulling her body against his own tightly. Looking up at the moon for the last time, he smiled. She cowered at the sight of his large, pearly-white fangs as they slid down from his gums, making a wet sound. He leaned towards her, eyes flashing darkly. “Goodnight, Charlotte…” he breathed.
Her scream penetrated the forest, sending animals scurrying for cover and birds startled out of sleep to take flight. His fangs pierced her throat, her body went limp, just as the moon went black.
~Lady Elegance
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