When one says space, we mostly think of outer space with rocket ships and little green men with probs. Or in a slang term “Give me some space.” to translate it is to back off for a while and leave the person alone for an amount of time. Still to re-say in my own words for a time, space is a very sloppy term to define in the English tongue, or to give a solid matter. Even more when it comes to the absent concepts to think off, such as a sacred space or spiritual one. We can not see “space” in a real sense, yet we can. Observing and able to put into a mathical formal, to give it a defined place in our view of the reality or what we see as the world. Which this space might be retailed into a space of community, which to quote author Gloria Anzaldua from her essay Borderlands;
“Culture forms our beliefs. We perceive the version of reality that it communicates. Dominant paradigms, redefined concepts that exist as unquestionable, unchallengeable, are transmitted to us though culture.”
Traveling more into an unseen path of space, we might look to the space and symbol of the church. In many minds, this is a place of worship, where the soul is set free for a time and interaction with a high being known as God. In this place above all else, they are safe from the evil and temptations of the outside world. Even the symol of the church is seen with sacnery. Chuchs are also seen as the center and heart of a community, where everyone is seen as an equal, no matter race, class, education, gender. A space held in the highest regerd. Still not everyone may see it this way eather. Many which have been labed the outcast of communities are often left in the real world, due to not quite fittig the picure of…..God’s idea of man. Such people to be named are the gays, transsexuals, bi’s, and what might show up after dark. They are on the outside space, left to be hurt, pick one, miss judged, blamed and set out. Just due to not fitting what is seen in a surroundings as “normal” in the eyes of the church. And for many, they cannot find a place in the community all the time, which leads to not having a space of their own. Save maybe in the mind.
Which is something to put into more of a known light, the human mind is in its own creativity an endless space. For what pops out always breaks the limits we had put down only times before. In this form, what we think to create, we do. Thus we impact the space that holds our world. Our ………. thus sends and reshapes that space and it outlines how it interacts with the world to some very fine lines. So to move into a more real sense of now, to look at the community and the interaction of the spaces it claims to move about and effect every which way thought of. Actions done day to day, every moment that we live, we are somehow changing out space and its rules in a big or small form. So to say, not only do or are we creating our space, we are at the same time we making our limits. Which can be the same said as words and the impact they carry on everyday life. Deborah Tannen uses this idea form in her essay “Mark Women” on page 368:
“The Term “Marked” is a stable of linguistic theory it refers to the way languages alter the base meanings of a word by adding a linguistic particle that has no meaning on its own. The unmarked forum of a word carries the meaning that goes without saying---- what you think of when you’re not thinking anything special.”
So to restate, words are ways in which we communicate in our space, with each there from homes, schools, drive throes, buses, and bathrooms. We are impacting the people around us, so we are acting in the space of around us.
Still, having to much space and interaction with the people can be a little over done for the poor mind. So many have made a place in their home or dorms with letting the mind interact on this place by helping to form a place called a “room“. A room is your own personal space, different and cute off from the community, your friends, parents, and any other person. It is a symbol of you; you’re ideas, true being, and your inner cosmos on the out one in the plane of the world, for most part, the things that make you, you. This is where my personal space comes into focus. In my room, books are almost every corner, my PS2 in full glory to the world, a dirty shirt out on the floor and some socks at the foot of bed, this is the one place in all worlds I can be myself with out the worry of others. Perhaps, for many also, their room maybe not their one place or the “space” they may see as a safe zone. Others it can a place out in full view, or the backyard. Mostly it depends on the person and their mind of how to claim a piece of the world for their own. From signs that say “Private Property”, posted around land, the house they own or rent. How they claim it can also be from the color of walls, the objects in it or around. How clean to dirty, to downright a trash cans exploration. Still its some place they are safe from the eyes of people and the world. There is a lot of space in our world, and many come out to claim it for reasons. Many of the higher class can own homes that and grounds that cover more then 14 city blocks. Even more to say and show it off like some prize in front of others. Money is power to people and so is money to bring happiness. Which is an old term to speak off, having been used many times before this one, which even makes it more of a true point? To have such grand things, more land then a man needs to live, houses they could be their small towns it seems. From a basic out look of needs, it seems all useless to people of the lower income branch of life. Yes we do envy these people of money, form lavish cars, to grand houses and lands. Many more of the people would be happy just to own a small house, but that is not always the case. It seems like a waste for people to own so much space while some can not even have a foot of their own.
Defining is something human do, to help understand and set limits on things. SO when look out our window, we are able to put the world into an understanding. Much is the same when it comes to space, or we like to think. Terms such as space can be put into a real understanding, then twisted and remade to fit a more absent term such as the human mind itself. To more so as measures of foot and inch, to limit the idea of space to a clear understanding., yet even this loose term such as “Space” on its own is a space of its’ self in the language.
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