Hi everybody! I'm question for a Chyaku Norisu Scarf and the prices are going up rapidly, so I'm selling avi art! Here are some examples of the avi art I have done so far!
 I made this one for myself a long time ago.......!

This is [DARK.MINT]'s avi art!

I made this for Mizuki_Beautiful_Moon (Mizu-Chan) for her B-day!
And there are my examples! If you'd like to buy some avi art from me, just fill out this form and PM me with the title "Avi Art Please!" Now, heres the form for non-gift requests!
Username: Gold your willing to pay: (this is for people who think that I price my art to high and would like it to be a little cheaper. Remember, I have the right to refuse any requests who ofer to little gold) Would you like me to add your username to the art or any special text?: (like in [DARK.MINT]'s art) (or if you wanted a quote or something on the art)
And heres the gift form:
To: (the username of the person that is receiving the gift) Username: (your username) Gold your willing to pay: (this is for people who think that I price my art to high and would like it to be a little cheaper. Remember, I have the right to refuse any requests who ofer to little gold) Would you like me to add their username to the art or any special text?: (like in [DARK.MINT]'s avi art) (or if you wanted a quote in your art) Any special greetings or notes?: (like if you wanted me to give the their art and add a little note from you like..... "Happy B-day! I bought you some art, I hope you enjoy it......*and so on*......"
Alrighty! Just one more thing!
Sometimes when I make your art I leave out little items like emo glasses and things like that. I just forget, sorry! ^^;; and also, other items that I just don't have the time to do.....I have a lot of homework so, sorry! I promise you'll get the art you order within 4 days depending on how things go. I'm not very good at Gwees just telling you, and anything really detailed. Oh! And another thing......the price of my art! ^^;;
I know, I know, its kindda expensive for the quality of my art. Thats why I give you the option to offer less g.
Now, if you would take the time to answer these few questions, I would really appreciate it!
1) What do you think of the quality of my art? E= Excellent, G=Good, OK=Okay, P=Poor
just enter the letter into this box -> [] (Example ** [G])
2) What do you think of the price of my art? C=Cheap E=Expensive, F=Fair
3) Do you like cheese? Y-yes N=no
4) Pickle?
(answer whatever you want ^^;; )
5) Any extra Comments? Comments are loved and adored! <33
C U M C A K E S xx · Tue Oct 03, 2006 @ 03:07am · 0 Comments |