Ok, So basically.. I am GOD. Why you ask? Well I'll talk of my awesomeness in a moment. But first, SIX FLAGS.
Saturday, I went with my Sister (Devin, and she's eleven and that rhymes, and the biggest roller coaster she's ever been on is, the one at disneyland. I could not have this. No sister of mine should be deprived of such thrills.) My best Friend Selah (I ♥ Her.) and my VERY good friend Mike (GOABERS! ♥)
Anywho. So, the rides we rode (feel free to google them for they are awesome.) Are, Tatsu, Goliath, Batman, Riddlers Revenge, Viper, Scream, Ninja, and some others i can't think of. ^_^ We didn;t get to ride X (wich is my FAVOURITE RIDE EVER.) because it was closed. And i feel bad becuse i was telling my sister how freakin awesome it is. But, Luckilly, I got to ride Goliath...And it was my first time riding that ride. ^_^ Same with my sister. xd It was rather scary actually.
Also, I met batman, And i have a batman cape. Again, I am awesome.
Devin also had the brilliant Idea of riding "roaring rapids." Yeah. after we got off, i sincerly regreted my decision to listen to her. But she begged, and it was her birfday, so i aggree'd.
it was fun though, We got drenched. I am not exaggerating when i say there was only a small part on my shirt where i had my arms that was not soaked. xp It was nice. stare ¬_¬
OK... Now the moment you've been waiting for. ^_^ My awesome. whee I am a pirate. I mean, like i LOVE pirates. ANDDD Im an E-pirate. I know, some of you will be like "god. cheap a**." well ******** you too you cuntcases!! Im poor. So therefore i pirate. ( ♥Torrentspy♥ ) Well, Usually i pirate movies/albums/applications (Photoshop FTW.) But... Then... like 2 weeks ago, i had the brilliant idea to download everypokemon game ever. That became atrend. i downloaded alotta Gameboy games because i had the emulator.
The.. I had a revelation today. If they had gameboy, they are going to have other systems too right? I searched. Came across a pack of emulators including but not limited to: Gamegear, Sega genesis, PS2, xbox, game cube, and super nintendo.
Thats right. I FEEL COOL. I Have all of them and am currently downloading Zelda: Orcarina of time, Final fantasies 1,2,3,4,7 and 10. Mariokart, and other random mario games.
Worship me. I am game queen. ^_^ mrgreen heart heart heart
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