yesturday i had so much fun ^^ i always liked sonic so i thought
why don't watch the movie. wow the graphics are so kool and old.
hehehhe then i watch final fantasy vll: advent children! i love vincent
he has long black hair and a kool sense of style. he's kool and cute that way.
then silent hill. scary...... hehhehe for some strange reason i think that vincent
kind of liked someone but never got the chance to tell her. uu so sad

just look at those graphics! scream i also ate pinapple heheheh it tasted so good.

happen oh i change my signature it was hard looking for pics
of miyavi >//////////< gosh he's so cute biggrin biggrin
*sighs* >< xd well i had fun yesturday hehheheh
bye bye journal mrgreen

me kawaii necko biggrin mrgreen
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