I got hacked on my old gaia file!!! crying Now I have to start all over.. I guess I'm okay with it. I added everyone on my friends list again.. All I need to do is get gold and buy all my stuff that I had. And my guilds... Yea.. They're gone. I have to join all of them again. I only did have three.. So I guess that won't be too hard. I already know who the person is.... stare I won't say any names though... ninja Well.. My sister helped me out A LOT!! She sold her ORLY hat...and then she gave me the gold. And she bought her halloween costume for gaia. Lol. Well.. I have no costume yet. The costume I want doesn't cost much.. So I'm good. (I'm gonna be a Sumo Wrestler bunny.....Don't ask. xp ) Well that says it all... Yugi
_LexAxeL_ · Sun Oct 01, 2006 @ 09:42pm · 3 Comments |