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trinka's journal thingie
Lalala.... la.
Half rant, half pointless s**t I care about. ^^
I hate snow, I really do. I use to love it but now it's just horrible crappy stuff that keeps me away from my friends.

So, I've been trapped out in my neighborhood where only idiots live. stressed I have one really good friend out here that I enjoy spending time with and she's constantly and her parent's deli when we have no school. Bleh. Now, why would I be stuck out here.... Hmmmm... I think it's because of all the flippin' snow! BAH! scream gonk

I did manage to get my sister to drive all the way out here (she lives in town, I live in the middle of nowhere... ) and take me to my friend's house so I could see my b/f for the first time in days. Yay. So we get to his neighborhood and the roads are horrible... They never plowed them to it's ice and runts and slush. gonk My sister drops me off and then later calls me to tell me she is stuck... >.> What am I suppose to do? So she's cool and tells she'll find a way out... (I talked to her later and it took her an hour and half... gonk )

Though, after all that I got to spend time with my guy which was awesome, met his dad and step mom and then he met my dad and with the brief meeting they had, my dad seems to like him. Which is good but then again I wouldn't have cared if he liked him or not. I would still see him. xp domokun

The sad ending to this though, is that my sister won't take me back out there because she doesn't want to get stuck again and my dad was kinda mad at me for making her drive through the crappy roads in the first place. sweatdrop

Ok, I'm done with ranting... if that's called a rant... I think some of it is... >.> *shrugs* We'll just call it a half rant, half pointless s**t that I care about. ^^

User Comments: [5] [add]
samus x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 12, 2005 @ 03:48am

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 12, 2005 @ 03:56am
Yay, a comment! Whee! whee heart

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 12, 2005 @ 05:38am
I figure that I might as well comment since your signature commands it. Meh..Interesting place you seem to live in. How long have you and your boyfriend been going out?

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 12, 2005 @ 05:40am
...Meh..I think I might just read the reast later since im terribly tired right now istead of asking questions that might have been answered in previous posts..

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 12, 2005 @ 05:53am
Thank ye for the comments. Much love to you. And it's been about a week. sweatdrop xp But I live a little ways from him and I can't drive yet add this with snow days... It's been icky trying to get to him. gonk

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