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Hello pretty people!!!!!!!
~*i fell *being*truthfull*~
size=12]Dont you miss it when you were in 2nd and 3rd grade and you didnt have to deal wit any drama know im in 7th and all
there is you have to look pretty(dont worry im way pretty), you have to popular(im popular to), gossiping everday bout someone! heart , boyfriends and bestfriend r never the same ever month! Its hard to grow up! You youngsters should be happy tat your still young and worry free! but just wait you will be going threw hell when your in junior and high school! Always remember be nice and don't care what people think of you(but dont be a totally loser like were thift cothes or watch pokeman or yugio or nurtoa cause tats just for nerds)no offence but its true!

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  • 10/01/06 to 09/24/06 (1)
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