HoW tO aNnOy AnYoNe, AnYwHeRe At YoUr ScHoOl!!!!
#1: Bring a pineapple to class and put sunglasses on it. Raise your hand ocasionally and say that the pineapple has a question. Then look at it exspectantly. When there is scilence, give a huge shrug and allow the teacher to keep talking. Do this a few times over and over, getting angrier each time.
#2: Leave a trail of tomato sauce leading to the bathroom, then hide a fart machine in a stall and let it go off everytime someone walks into the stall next to it.
#3: Chuck tiny peices of food at the back of people's heads at lunchtime, then point to the person next to you.
#4: Spontaniously shout: "HONK!" in the middle of a test while everyone is quiet.
#5: Leave a rotten pomegranite in the locker of someone you hate.
#6: Buy three piglets. Label them 1, 2 and 4 in sharpy marker. Let them loose in the school. When the staff finally round them all up, and they find pigs 1, 2 and 4, they will be looking for the non existing pig number 3.
#7: Inflate all the basketballs in the gym with helium so that they float up to the ceiling.
#8: Set off a stink bomb in the science lab.
#9: Carry a paper bag with a rotten orange in it around in the halls. Ask random people to hold it for you then run away.
#10: When you're sitting in detention after causing all this mischeif, you can top it all off by simply placing a thumb tack on your teacher's chair. Have fun! Ta ta.
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I write poems and random thoughts here
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lust, greed, glutony, and sloth these are four of the seven deadly sins yet quiet a few people fill these emotions daily and over half of the people that do fill it give in.