I know Ben Franklin was a wise man. After all, he flew a kite during a lightening storm and got himself electrocuted. He developed the idea of the lending library and even created a pretty handy almanac. But seriously, this whole "early to bed, early to rise" stuff really gets to me. What's wrong with a "late to bed, late to rise" work ethic? That's what I could use a bit more of...
Sadly, "late to bed, early to rise" more aptly describes my current situation. I think this accounts for the sickness I've been feeling lately. I've also had headaches, and i get a bit dizzy. So I figure a) "HEY, I better get a bit more sleep or b)"By jove, I better get that gigantic man-eating brain tumor removed from my skull."
Well, the tumor says it doesn't want to leave, so I think I'll try the whole sleeping thing just to see what all the hype is about.
Who knows? I might like it.
Beloved Genius · Tue Jan 11, 2005 @ 02:56am · 0 Comments |