No, this isn't just my second day of signing up to this journal... It's my second day as an official student of the Art Institute of Atlanta - AiA! I also moved into my apartment yesterday too. My housemates so far are great, but my actual room-mate hasn't shown up yet... My classes start on Tuesday! I'm so glad... I'm finally here, actually doing it... I do miss all my friends though... And being able to get on a fast computer at any time of the day that I want to ^^; Oh, yeah... I'm officially a blond once again... And in a couple days, one of my housemates is going to help me put red streaks in it! =B Yayness! Hey, you're supposed to experiment in college...
Tsuki Amaterasu · Sun Oct 03, 2004 @ 01:12am · 0 Comments |