(when in dark red i found them some place else and i just really like them when in violet*pink* i made it by my self.. alot of them dont rhyme nor do they make total sense but yeah.. my friends say they are depressing but good so yeah... sorry if you dont like it..)
You can love to hate. But never hate to love.
If you dont feel pain how do you know your truely alive?
Control your emotions or they will control you.
I could live with out the pain of knowing that you will never love me the same again.
"I Love You" is only eight letters long but then again so is BULLSHIT....
Every morning i wake up hopeing that today i will get it right.
Cutting. Didn't do it for attention. Didn't do it to cause you pain. I would have told you! But she noticed my pain isnt just from lonlyness. I pulled off my sweatshirt. She noticed the scares. They wanted to know why? Why? whould you cause your self more pain? Than what you have already been conflicted. I shrugged my shoulders. And bowed my head. They threated to take me away. When you started to cry. Silently i said i was sorry. They asked again. I shook my head and promised i would never do it again. Its been a while now. Though i've been tempted. They thought i was promising them. But truely i was promiseing my self. To never cause you that much hurt. By never cutting again.
Hate me or love me i wont change for you.
Three strikes... your out....
1.Don't hurt me. 2.Dont say you love me. (unless you truely mean it.) 3.Dont make me cry. You promised. That you'd never hurt me. You'd always love me. And you would never make me cry. We grew apart since that day. Then you two came together. You tell her you love her. Thats when you hurt me. When i asked "Why?" You told me you never loved me. Thats when you made me cry. You said and did all those things. I thought you'd never do. As you promised i did too. I promised that the day you betray me. Is the day that i'd die. I didnt say when and i didnt say how. But when i do. They will find i have died of a broken heart.
Boys are just secrets in lies so when you get screwed over dont be suprised.
Don't use "I Love You" just to get your way. Grow up and be the man you keep saying that you are and actually mean it!
ChristinaNoraas · Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 01:05am · 2 Comments |