Hearts will never be practical until made unbreakeable.
Better to love them & lost them than never to feel their love at all.
If you always judged them then you had no time to love them.
Love: the strongest irrisistable dirire to be irrisisablly disired.
If you dont feel pain how do you know your truly alive?
Love is a pain that cant be cured.
You can love to hate but never hate to love.
How could an angel breake my heart? Why couldn't he catch my falling star? Know I wish I didn't wish so hard. Maybe I wished our love apart!
Some thing holding on will make them strong: Sometimes its the letting go that makes them stronger.
In diffrent ways women kiss: some blush, some call the cops, some laugh, some bit, some cry. Me? I die. Die, I die inside when you kiss me.
ChristinaNoraas · Thu Aug 31, 2006 @ 07:52pm · 1 Comments |