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Ailina18's Workbook
A combination of whatever I feel like, it could be my personal journies or some story that I have a need to bring to life in the pages of this journal.
New Year with the Grandparents
You would think that going to a New Year's Eve ball with your grandparents would be something like a trip to hell. You have a bunch of old people dancing to music like "My Goodies" or "Lean Back", well there were some of those but mostly just really badly sung old county songs like "He Stopped Loving Her Today". But mostly it was having to dance with every old man who asked you because you didn't want to offend any of your grandparents friends. There was also the fact that you would have rather been with your boyfriend, but you also love spending time with your grandparents. So the whole evening I was a trophy dance, missing my boyfriend very much, and wanting to go home as soon as possible when my grandmother handed me her drink (alcohol) and told me to take a drink and not to tell my grandfather. So periodically, when my grandfather was not around I would take a drink from my grandmother's glass. And then the champagne came. My sister took one sip of hers and handed it to me, I chugged it just like I had chugged my own glass. (My grandmother had secretly taken two extra glasses from the waitress) Then about three minutes later my grandmother handed my her glass, which was not even half drank and told me I could have it. So naturally I chugged that as well. Now by this time I wasn't feeling quite as sorry for myself that I was all dressed up and my boyfriend was hundreds of miles away and that I'd had to endure old men all evening. In fact I was quite proud of myself seeing as I'm underage and my grandparents had allowed me to consume three glasses of champagne, and at least a glass of vodka tonic. Then, let's see how can I put this? Well by the time we got home I was not feeling so well, seeing as this was the first time in my life I have ever consumed so much alcohol, and by three o'clock the next day the effects of my night had worn off. But, in truth, I cannot figure out why so many youth want to go out and get drunk. I didn't have that much to drink by anyone's standard and I was really no fun. Anyway that was my night out with my grandparents. I think they're pretty cool, especially since they're not going to tell my mother. Which could be to save my butt or theirs. blaugh

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  • 01/09/05 to 01/02/05 (1)

  • User Comments: [3] [add]
    Rearmost Tree Slug
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Jan 11, 2005 @ 03:21am
    You know I now have something on you. Well, more than I already had. If I should ever call your house and just happen to mention this addy to your mother you could get in a lot of trouble. Hm, how are we going make sure that doesn't happen? Oooooo I know. You will buy me a a nice brownie fudge sundae the next time we see each other. Yes, that will do the trick. I'm 100% sure that just the very thought of all that fudgey goodness will keep my wondering mouth shut. Oh and if you decide you don't want people to view these entries in the future (you know to cut down on all the bribery) you can change your preferences to exclude outsiders from viewing. I love you, and I am truly sorry you had to endure all those smelly old men. I will talk to you soon.

    commentCommented on: Thu Mar 17, 2005 @ 05:33am
    You know I was looking forward to useing this as a means to grab the dirt on you as it were. Well the dirt I don't already know about. Surprisingly I imagine there is quite a bit I don't know just because of how inconvenient your living in another state is. ( Please notice how I ignore the fact that from your point of view I'm the one who lives in another state.) At the very least I need to be kept in touch with your latest story ideas. A few boy toy stories here and there wouldn't hurt. smile

    Rearmost Tree Slug
    Community Member
    Rearmost Tree Slug
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Aug 21, 2005 @ 03:05am
    Yay!!! Your journal is not broken anymore! Finnally. Now you can read all my annoying comments.

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