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O.T.L.'s Journal
It's my journal. (Really!?) Yep. Why? Because it was something to do at the time. Don't look for meaning or real content here. I was bored, so I set up a journal. It'll be updated whenever I feel like it. (As if anyone'll actually read this...)
Another birthday
So it's my birthday. Yippee. sad

Let's see who else has this as a birthday... oh, goodie. Alleged child molester Michael Jackson. I'm feeling so much better now. Who else? Former New Jersey Governor Jim Florio. Oooh. Joel "Bat-n****e" Schumacher? This just gets better and better, doesn't it?

Okay, okay, so it's not really that bad. It's also the birthday of Senator John McCain, Elliott Gould, Charlie Parker, John Locke (the philosopher, not the character on Lost ( wink )), and Rebecca De Mornay. It was also the birthday of Ingrid Bergman, but she also died on her birthday, so that's kinda balances out on the good/bad scale... (Lee Marvin also died on this date, so that's another negative.)

Ah, well. Nothing I can do about it either way, right? *Sigh*

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