One shot of Caught in Between!
One shot of Caught in Between!
A mask slips.
One shot from Caught in Between
My writing skills needed a break and a with exams and jobs and drained me a bit. Caught in Between is not dead and shall live again very soon. But there’s a one shot from between chaps 10 and 11
Shadows length in the world as the sun set on one side and rose on the other. Every home in the land of Japan light candles and lights, bringing in light to the coming night, Save one dojo and its people. The people had gone to dinner at the local Beef Pot, just now walking along the lamp light streets of Tokyo
Sounds of light tones echoed from each person of the group. Even a gentle smile seemed too placed on one young teen girl. Some might be see it strange now to look and see this gentle smile on the teen. Yet it took away the edge of her eyes and her face seemed younger then it had in many a week in this strange place of history. Red hair blow in the sea wind, holding the promise of a storm later that night ,each of the group commented on something of the show they had seen put on the an English group of drama. A play known as “A midsummer nights dream."
:Man, the was funny and weird” A youth boy said, his grin plasted on his face, hands back on his hand.
The young woman known as Kaoru smiled even more saying "Yes, still it was romantic at the end, and even funnier when the guy playing the donkey tripped and fell of the strange!?
A crossed shape cheek smiled gentle, a man young in his body and very old took in the talk as a follower much like the teen of his coloring did. He would nodded when asked something and smile even more, enjoying this moment as he did many a others these fine days.
"Ken shin, you've barely said a word!" One of taller said, his rough brain hair shaped much like crest of the rooster.
Kenshin could only smile at his friend Sano "This one liked the play very much, that he did!? His smile truer when speaking.
The man could only sign; having cotton use to the samurai’s few words on these subjects. His eyes turned a bit to the teen girl following like on the shadows on the ground. Her blue eyes reflecting the scene in a quite and content moment, Strands on her deep red hair fell between these eyes.
"Wolf, what did you think?" Kaoru asked, smiling at the teen a bit more.
The girl blinked, being brought back to moment of now. ? I liked it, but Shakespeare is not really my thing."
Kaoru nodded and smiled at Kenshin, sharing the same silent message between the two on the girl behind them. Wolf was growing my relaxed by the day, letting the hard mask she wore down around this group of people. Yes she and Sano still did not meet eye to eye, but even that seemed on the mend, having there been no fights this day with the two teens.
Wolf saw something pass on the two, she smiled more to herself. Still getting over the fact and reality she was in the past and living with her grandparents so to speak. Her eyes landed on the man in front of her, watching his low pony tail bounce as he walked with the group home. Part of her still could not believe this was the man slayer Battousai walking in front of her. How such a gentle man could be that person in history, but looking on her own deep hidden nature gave the teen her own answer. Wolf’s smile faded, the warmth leaving her thoughts and body. Guilt riddled her mind now and thoughts, slowly walking and slipping from the group into the shadows she had come to know so well in her days.
Kenshin stopped, seeing Wolf was gone. A sign came from his parted lips and said "This one is off to find our Wolf once again!?
The gumi came to halt, seeing one of their own was gone again. Yahiko shook his head, and Kaour smiled saying to the red head ?She got lost again Kenshin, we?ll meet you at the dojo then!?
Kenshin smiled and nodded, walking back down the road. His mind set on finding the teen before she got into trouble once again. In many ways she behaved as he did under his master in his youthful days. Slipping off, causeing some form of toulbe and along with it, a headache for one sword master now up in the moutions.
Wolf had made her way to a dock, watching the water move with the steady beat it always had. The half cast moon smiled down with the shining stars caught in the waters reflection. She smiled softly, takeing in the moments such as these where a gift in its own right. Still, the guilt burned in her stotache about leaveing the others like that, and knowing with out a doudt Kenshin was looking for girl and would be soon to find her.
?This one has found you Wolf? as Kenshin walked behind the girl.
She smiled lightly, still looking into the water and sky as one being ?I needed some time alone Kenshin, and its one hell of a night to look at the sky!? she said, slightly turning.
He smiled and pulled his blade from his sash, sitting down as Wolf had. Yes the night was capurtiing to the human mind, or at least to those two wondering people.
? You seem troubled by something Wolf?? Kenshin asked
Wolf turned, meeting the kind purple eyes of Kenshin. ? Just thinking about the past and now, that?s all Kenshin. Nothing to really to twist your pony tail about.?
He blinked a bit, still finding her phaseing and words a bit out of norm for japanese. Kenshin smiled and looked at the sceen. Letting the words drop for moment. Seeing Wolf relex like this was a rare moment in indeed for her. Often keeping her guard up in some form,even when sleeping. So much like the man beside her.
?She acts hard at times, then lets her face slip into one of kindness and lost. This one is unsure like the others of who she really is. She know;s that this one knows theres more to the girl.? He thought, looking at her own scared cheek in turn to his.
Her sign caught him back to the now, her fingers lightly touched the scar. A deep sadness filled her own eyes, reflecting the moon?s light. Kenshin wanted to say something, not that very good with dealing withb pople as many thought he could.
?Kenshin, you want to ask me something.? She stated ?You may as well do it now while my thoughts are free.?
He blinked again, seeing she could read him as he did in turn to her. ? This one wonders?.why you carry such a heavy weight on your soul??
She turned to look at the man and laughted softly, sounding old for the moment. ?Well that is a kicker to ask me Himra?. Why I carry this wieght, lets see how to form this and not get much into my past. I would think if anyone should understand this weight Kenshin. It would be you most of all. To say, much the wieght and guilt you have is the same as mine.?
His mouth tighten, hearing this from the teen. Such sorrow carried in her tone, matching what he saw in her eyes while speaking. Kenshin looked at the water, trying to find the words of what to say. She was almost like a relfction of him in his young days in Kotyoa, the same pain? What could she have done to say such a thing to him? Kenshin?s nerve gave way a little to the teen. Seeing her look at him with a steady gaze as much Wolf did with the others of the dojo.
Her own eyes looked at his, then she turned muttering ? My dad had those same kind eyes.?
Kenhin blinked, hearng so rarely about the girl;s former life. ? What was he like?? he asked, smileing softly
?Kind, but always firm on his words and actions when needed, he always helped out the little guy, did the right thing. There for his wife and child and friends. One of the rare cops that was clean on the force, which is what got him killed in the end.? She spoke toneless.
?Why would someone kill him?? he asked, regretting it the moment it slipped out.
Wolf?s eyes narrowed, her voice becoming strained ?He took down a drug lord, one of the big ones. Instead of takeing the payoff like the others would have. My da wouldn?t bend. The guy;s gang ran down my dad one day and shot him twice, once in the heart, the other in the head.?
All Kenshin could do was stare at the girl, seeing the hate burn in her eyes as she spoke with out stopping.
?This happened on our door steps, I was about seven and mom was at work. We had gone to the park and the store for dinner that night. My da got really still and shoved me in the door fast. His face like stone, yet the door never closed all the way?., they shot him in the heart first, and when fell inside, one of guys in a torn suit stepped over him saying ? You should have let it go a*****e!? Then they shot him in the head?..? she let it drop, clenting her arm tightly.
With out thinking, his arm wraped around the shoulders of the teen. Wolf blinked, feeling a warm from the runione. All her tention melted away for the moment. Kenshin smiled, feeling this from the girl. She held such scars, as deep as him own it seamed.
?Lets go home Wolf.? He said softly, standing up.
She nodded, and smiled a bit more softly. Both turned and walked down the dock, back to the dojo known as home
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