I think my favourite singer has to be Shunichi Toki at the moment.
Im getting more and more into him.. he seem's to be such a cutie pie.. ;v; and the best thing is... he is already a solo singer... not to mention stars in 2D projects too.. (I must listen to more of his 2D projects actually...) when his next Birthday comes around.. i will listen the heck outta his songs.. (well... that won't be until next year now anyway... he was born in May... well.. its not THAT far off... 'v')
I cannot wait for LOG to come out... i was hoping he would release a third time this year.. he done really well this year... he sung for 2 anime (one OP and i think the other is ED though..? i know for sure the OP is the OP though... or he might've sung for two OP's.. not sure...) and now releasing a anime song cover collection. <3333 which comes out this Wednesday...
So.. preorder is not up on itunes... but the CD is up on CDJapan... if it don't go onto itunes by the week after next.. i will (hopefully) as for the CD formybirthday. ;v; (who cares if i get it late... ) and if not that then money towards it... (for my birthday of course...)
Anyways.. hopefully it will be on itunes.. all the rest of his solo singles (icluding the FMA OP cover..) are on there... so fingers crossed. 'A'
Im getting more and more into him.. he seem's to be such a cutie pie.. ;v; and the best thing is... he is already a solo singer... not to mention stars in 2D projects too.. (I must listen to more of his 2D projects actually...) when his next Birthday comes around.. i will listen the heck outta his songs.. (well... that won't be until next year now anyway... he was born in May... well.. its not THAT far off... 'v')
I cannot wait for LOG to come out... i was hoping he would release a third time this year.. he done really well this year... he sung for 2 anime (one OP and i think the other is ED though..? i know for sure the OP is the OP though... or he might've sung for two OP's.. not sure...) and now releasing a anime song cover collection. <3333 which comes out this Wednesday...
So.. preorder is not up on itunes... but the CD is up on CDJapan... if it don't go onto itunes by the week after next.. i will (hopefully) as for the CD formybirthday. ;v; (who cares if i get it late... ) and if not that then money towards it... (for my birthday of course...)
Anyways.. hopefully it will be on itunes.. all the rest of his solo singles (icluding the FMA OP cover..) are on there... so fingers crossed. 'A'