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I absolutly love the song Nibiiro no Yoake.
It's a anime OP song sung by Yutaro Miura and it-is-LOVE!

I came across it by accident and boy am i glad too...
I was listening to old songs one day.. and intended to keep it that way but... after a song... it somehow strayed off and onto this song.. and guess which song it was? Niibiro no Yoake...am boy im a glad that happened... as soon as the song started.. i loved it... and still... love it.. now i have only known it for a month or under now but... i feel like i could lsiten to it and never get bored with it.. 'v' (so far anyway..) i don't think ihave ever came across a song like that before... not that they aren't good... just that its a me thing... but FINALLY!! something i can NOT get bored of.. 'v' (hope not anyway..)

Seriously.. i recommend it.. its up on both Spotify AND itunes... 'v' listen to it if you can.

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