Now I was stuck in prison with no way out. It was a high security level prison too. What a freaking bust. At least I was stuck in there with company though. We had to get out of here. As we fixing to start devising a plan we got a new cell mate. You probably by now allready know who it was too. Yes it was Magellan. He had supposedly been thrown in prison with us for Setting fire to the forest(I.E the mystical Blue Forest) and was in there to be tried for arson and the murder of all the other animals while under the influence. See my moral for the last story actually made sense. So we're all kinda standing there looking at each other to figure out if we should beat the living s**t out of him or just flush his head in the toilet and let him drown. Me, Denalle, and Vixie grabbed him and where fixing to go with the toilet drowning option when we realized he was allready in a worse predicament then we were. We were just being tried for attempted murder and if we drowned him then we could of gotten charged with the actual thing. So we just gave him a swirlie instead. Then we set him down and for no apparent reason we all started laughing Magellan included like it was some big inside joke or something. Shortly after that Magellan called a truce which we accepted cause if we were going to get out of here we'd need all the help we could get. Not really actually we just wanted to trick him into doing the work for us and then we ditch his a** and leave him there to answer for his crimes. Yes I'm still pissed at him for the twinkie thing. Anyway...devising a plan. "Here is the first plan(Plan A). First we break off part of Magellan's antler and say he just fell off the top bunk or something. Then we'll hide some plastic butter knives from supper in our jumpsuits when no one is looking. Then we start carving Magellan's antler peice into a key and hide the it until the time is right to spring for it. We'll wait till about 2AM when everyone is asleep and then unlock the cell and make a break for it." Well this is what we had come up with so far and couldn't think of anything else so we started working on the plan. Well it turned out magellan's antlers were stronger than they looked. We tried bashing him into the wall, throwing him off the bed(The initial excuse), and even bashing him over the head with the toilet seat(since we couldn't get the whole toilet up). None of these worked. So then we decided to have me and Denalle ram hs head into the cell gate and hold his body while Vixie squezzed through the bars and went to the other side to pull on his antlers. Just then the Dumb-a** factor hit us. Vixie could squezze out the whole damn time? So we were going to have her go get the keys, but she had a better idea. She ran off leaving us there stranded. We thought we had just been ********, when all of a sudden we heard a loud screeching sound toward the back of our cell wall. And all of a sudden about six lighted sticks of dynamite bundled together were thrown through the barred window. " Oh s**t." We all hit the floor as the thing exploded knocking out that whole giant wall on that side of the prison. So now our little escape had just turned into a jail-break." Nice going Vixie you crazy b***h. Now everyone's making a run for it. We were supposed to get out of here unnoticed." We were just ah ******** it and jumped in the Armored car(The screeching noise earlier). We were almost out of the main prison gate when one of the tires popped, caused us to go out of control, and flip the armored car on its side. Magellan jumped out as soon as the armored car hit the dirt and took off running "See ya suckers!" while we were all trying to get up. Instead of us ditching his a** we got ditched AGAIN. We all gained our footing and jumped out and ran as well. We had gotten out of the gate and were free. Free that is as long as we kept running. We finally got exausted and decided to hang out in this barn we came across for the night. Just until the morning came anyway and they had stopped looking for us. Well at least there was no sign of that traiterous moose. All had ended I guess as plans where supposed we got out, but was it for long? Moral of this story: Prison doesn't have butter knives, only forks and spoons. That wasn't realy a moral, but I don't care. END Story #4. Keep reading to find out what happens next in Story #5.

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