I'm getting to stay in school. I'm not getting kicked out of University. I can stay.... *giant sigh of relief* That's like... a huuuge weight off my shouldes. I wasn't sure WHAT I was going to do if I couldn't continue on at university...
Oh, there are rules. Lots and lots of guidelines I have to follow. Why do I have the feelign they were being EXTREMELY generous with me...? It was a looong, complicated, embarrasing process of one meeting here, then another meeting there, then another meeting with everyone, and so on and so on. Pretty much, I met with the on-campus counselor and then with the dean. I'm assuming they had some sort of discussion about whether or not to allow me to stay. Because I've let my entire year go to hell... usually I was just too depressed to go to classes, and the Mitchell situation didn't make staying on the sly when I DID go very easy. This is going to set me back, but I don't care as long as I can stay.
They're also letting me keep at least part of my scholarship, for the moment. I might be able to get more of it back if my grades go up. I think the fact that I've been trying really hard to return to school normally (the fact that Mitchell has been strangely absent helps), my part in the play, etc, really worked to my advantage. Granted that with less of my scholarship, I'm going to have to work a lot of extra hours to get by, but I'll manage. Work I can do.
Pretty much, I have to promise to continue to see the on-campus counselor, ALONG with Dr. Clayton (urk, suckage), and if possible add more sessions during the week with her, get her to sign some papers. Gah. I really don't want to go, but really need to. Since I last saw her, there's been about 5 mental breakdowns, Dairoshi Dairoshi Dairoshi, Mitchell...hospital trips, school toubles, Hasami, eating... jeeze. This should be fun rolleyes
Now that I'm back in school and classes though, it's different. The enviroment is healthy for me, I think. A lot of my friends, especially from theater class, apparently were worried about me... we're going out for dinner this evening after theater class this evening. Sometimes it feels nice to just be a kid again. My 20th birthday is coming up, and while I feel like I don't know where the time went, how I could possibly be that old, I feel so much older at the same time.
Anyhow! School is great, I've still got my lead in the play, my professors all recieved their letters from me and have expressed not only great understanding, but also concern, Rupert and I haven't been this happy together for awhile, and now I'm off to meet with my friends and act like an idiot. xd
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Discontinued by author as far too angsty and ridiculous to ever continue. XD Also, that rp kinda fizzled.
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Ryan Sticksen-Glitter
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