Dunt dun DUUUUU band camp....
Band camp next week stressed talk about a pain in the a**... well as you probably read but its deffently been a year on here for the fact that I'm repeating history on here.... you know I've entered stuff about Marching band a lot.... sweatdrop I think. Well any way Now that I'm no longer a clarinet player now a FLAG TWIRLER!! I guess this will be a new experiance. As such I'm sure I wont be so lonely for the fact Trevor will be bearing the sun with me... xp that is if he survied the Newbie camp that I didn't have to attend sweatdrop whee any way yeah so now that my days are numbered I say LIVE LIFE ON THE EDGE!!!! and have no Regreats! ( which I have none....that I can think of at least) < memorie loss< j/k