Well! This has been a rather boring summer. I hate having mixed feelings about it almost being over. Because one one had I'm sooo happy to be going back to school, I'll be a junior, an upperclassmen, and I'll get to see all my friends again.
But on the other hand, I won't be able to sleep in, sit around, or hang out with people at random.
But come to think about it I haven't been sleeping in much due to my sittin' job, but I -do- stay up way too late for my own good. I just can't sleep at night anymore, and it's going to kill me once those 7:35 AM school days start to roll around. Ayaaa... emo
Man, it is 4:30 am right now and I'm still fookin' awake.
This can't be good for me.
But on the brighter side of this semi-emo post. x3
My birthday is coming up! biggrin And I'm gonna be Siiiiiixteeeeen! Woot Woot! 4laugh
Cheeseh was so sweet as to already give me his present heart And I absolutely love the cape. Luff @ you heart heart
I love emoticons... mrgreen blaugh sweatdrop stressed whee
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