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From the mind of a hamster.
Little thoughts a hamster would like shared
Just a lil short thingy
“I’ve been think a lot lately”
About what?
“Death. They say it’s the end, but, in a way, it’s also the beginning.”
How do you figure that?
“Well, in reality for the friends and family of the person, it’s the kinda the beginning of a new life for them. They have to go though the rest of their lives without that person. Things are different, that person is no longer there for others to see, to talk to, or to touch. When things in life change, that’s the start of a new life”
Yeah, I guess that’s true. What about for the person who died?
“Well, it can be different for everyone’s spirit, I guess. There are ones that will move on right away to be recreated in a new life. Then there’s the ones that stick around the real world, not wanting to go, but again, things changed so it’s the beginning of something else. So there is no permanent end, just many beginnings”
That makes sense. You know, maybe if more people thought of it that way, death wouldn’t be such a feared thing.
“Yeah. Also, I think a lot less spirits would be afraid to cross over. Sure there are people they don’t want to leave behind, but I’ve realized, it’s meant to be for them to know each other in their life, at some point. You’ll see each other again, it may not be the same way, but the bond will surely be there.”
Thinking about it that way, makes sense. Also makes me a lot less scared of death and what happens after it. It’s just going to be sad to say good-bye to everyone until we meet again.
“I know, but when we meet again it’ll be a happy time once more.”
Definitely. I guess this is good-bye for now then?
“Only for now. We’ll see each other again someday.”
Hopefully that time I’ll be able to say “I love you” before it’s too late.
“Time will tell. Good-bye for now”
The girl laid in the grass until she could no longer see any trace of the boy’s spirit. As she got up, she removed the crown of flowers from her head and set it on his grave. She looked at his grave for a moment and whispered, “To the beginning of a new life for the both of us.”

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