(items in blue)
Been working on this one for a while, and it took a surprising amount of searching to find items that would tie it all together. Fortunately Noon Swamplands Circe (swamp) happened to be the one this time! But there's a disappointingly limited number of swamp-related items on this site overall, so I had to make do a bit.
Other items include Green Goth Boots, Lyndexer's Pilot Pants, Masquerade (Green Eyeshadow), Zodiacal (Taurus rules the neck), Christened King's Dark Proud Locks (forest), Thoroughly Unamused Eyes (Green), Anisedora's Misery (Cloak of Destruction), The Dandy Time Traveler (Green Jacket), Green Body Dye, Green Intentions, and Toxic Inviting Nirvana.
I was pretty pleased to be able to make an all-green av, since that's one of the less popular colors and therefore more challenging than, say, black and white or red builds. I'm slowly working my way through a color wheel of sorts that hearkens all the way back to the old Arena, when a specific color was a common av theme. Hopefully that will get recycled eventually and I can put this one in!
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The avatars I've designed and the items I used to make them.
Nicholas Kaze
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