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trinka's journal thingie
Lalala.... la.
And the question was finally answered
The question: Why would a blah go up my nose?

The answer: ... Just because it can...

Many of you are probably thinking I'm crazy but it's answer I've been trying to get for almost a year now. It started when I was on Rat's thread a little after I joined Gaia. PZ was being himself and I forget what I did but he decided to put a blah up my nose. gonk I was shocked and I always wanted to know why a blah would go up my nose. I asked PZ several times throughout the year and he always told me to drop it. But I couldn't. I had to know why. So, last night, on Christmas, he finally answered my question. It's so vague that it almost doesn't work but at least I have an answer... Maybe I'll ask him in a while for a more detailed explaination but for now I'm content. Hehehe whee

User Comments: [3] [add]
samus x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 26, 2004 @ 09:16pm
xd xd xd xd

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 27, 2004 @ 12:04pm
You might have to wait another year to get a more detailed answer out of him. xd

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 28, 2004 @ 03:13am
gonk I really hope you're wrong dd! gonk

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