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Stuff, Stuff, and more stuff. mostly random stuff
things bout my day, poems and pictures mayb. nothing else and nothing more.
Hello fellow Gaians!
this is mostly about thursday night. actually, it is about thursday night. would have type this yesterday, but was too lazy. i blame maple story. anyway.... i finally got to c pirates of the carribean movie. it was good, and funny. i was like staring wide eyed when they ripped orlando bloom's shirt off to whip him. eek it was only the back and they dont really show his chest or any thing. some1 from my row gasp and i was like, *drool*
my mind keep replayin that scene and its still doin that. well, gtg. TO THE SEARCH ENGINES TOO LOOK AT ORLANDO BLOOM PICS!!!!! bye

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 23, 2006 @ 09:01pm
ewwwwwwwww, you're such a perv rinnnnnnnn hahah! j/kkkkkk
but you are for reallll. go running to the cousins of 2 and dump meeeeeeee xp

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 20, 2006 @ 04:47am
THEY'RE NOT COUSINS! and they're goin to highschool, so i wont c them much.

Unrequited Stranger
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