Why does everyone want to always fit in? Why does everyone try to be cool? I'M TIRED OF HEARING THAT! I'm tired of hearing cool! It's realy starting to iritat me that people are being mean about things just cause they think it is cool! I just notesed that their are A LOT of goth wannabes now and they are just trying to be it cause they think it's cool. I'm tired of people saying that they are insulting their "group" cause they aren't cool.
I have friends who have conplained about this, and now it's just irritating me. I just wish people would stop saying they like so and so because it's cool. Some people make an act when they are around a certain group, and instead of being theirselfs they try to be COOOOOOL! scream
Sorry about my attitude but I was hearing cool to much today. *sigh*
Rinoga · Fri Dec 24, 2004 @ 12:37am · 2 Comments |