I am going to share with you a random story that I made one day with these cute little thingys.
"Ssshhh...!" Everyone must be quiet, Sadako-Sama is gonna start to story!"
Once upon a time....
There was a cute young princess, named....uh...Akemi! Akemi was a sweet young girl, who wanted nothing more than to find her one true love! Every night she would promise herself that she would dream of a far off land, with warmth and love. 
"She never could get it quite right though...."
One day, her father came in with news. "Akemt is to marry the prince of a neighboring kingdom..." He grumbled. "They vowed to start a war if she did not marry him...."
"But father..." Akemi wearly said.... "Isn't there another way...?" 
"No...." It has been decided." He replied. "But I wish to find my true love..." "He will be your true love..."
So Akemi ran away, searching for her true love.... 
"What to what to do...?" She thought.
Thats when she saw him. The kat who changed color. She immediatly fell in love. She thought of him, but decided she was unworthy and left. A week later she began to play under a cherry blossom tree. 
Thats when Akemi's fairy god mother cast the spell of love.
The Kat's name turned out to be Daiki, and he asked Akemi out to an onsen. 
During a night storm the two huddled up and admitted love. 
The devil was outraged, for it was him that was to marry Akemi, but the power of love broke his hold on the royal family. 
Akemi was able to return home with her true love. 
They had two children named Hoshi and Hotaka. 
And they lived happily ever after..... heart heart 
((Haha, just my weird little story. It may seem pretty odd, but hey, I had to think of a bunch of weird ways to use those little animation things so don't blame be! ^^; wink )
C U M C A K E S xx · Mon Jul 10, 2006 @ 11:06pm · 0 Comments |