3nodding = Has been PM'ed
domokun = After being PM'ed is still working on it.
gonk = PM was read but no response.
Page Numbers - User - Two Week Notice Date (If blank then its already been 2 weeks)
100-49 - Valgav domokun
400-49 - Brimmy - March 9th
550-99 - Phedran domokun
650-99 - Mou domokun
700-49 - Fredric Mitzjuniorthimble domokun
750-99 - caitlin_neko - February 27th
800-49 - Brimmy
850-95 - 1969 In My Head domokun
950-99 - Ummy 3nodding
1000-49 - Ummy 3nodding
1200-49 - Sors domokun
1250-99 - Tabyk domokun
1400-49 - Vilecat domokun
1450-99 - Vilecat domokun
1550-99 - Brimmy
1600-49 - Gubins domokun
1700-49 - SkynX domokun
1750-99 - Brimmy
1850-99 - eponine84 domokun
1900-49 - FrolicHope domokun
1950-99 - vanillakat1026 domokun
2000-49 - Putret 3nodding
2100-49 - Afflicted_Sanguinarian 3nodding
2250-99 - MokieMorty domokun
2300-49 - SpritelessGirl (She's PMed her list to the inbox but the doubles have not been taken out, she can no longer continue)
2450-99 - Brimmy
2500-49 - By~Tor domokun
2600-49 - Greenkat domokun -From post in ISD not sure if she understood me...-
2650-99 - Michiru_of_the_Sea 3nodding
2700-49 - Kee-chan domokun
2750-99 - Kee-chan
2800-49 - Hi This Is Graham - TBA
2850-99 - dark_angel_817 - TBA
2900-49 - Kawaii Kokezaru - TBA
2950-99 - Saralisse - TBA
3000-3049 - Psychopathic_Mage2 - TBA
3050-3099 - Legendary Zero - TBA
3100-3149 - Kayhura - TBA
December 23rd - First PMs sent.
January 13th - Sent of PMs for people who didnt respond.
January 20th - PM'ed everyone whos two weeks expired.
February 18th - Removed anyone who had'nt responded to PMs after a month, sent reminder PMs, removed people whos usernames no longer existed.
Pms by Nobara (first shift) sent 24th Dec. Second shift Jan 2nd.
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I am Member #23788 - boy do *I* feel special. n.n
Any posts written in Indigo are made by MykaToriyama.[/color:370ebaf35f]
Likewise, green is Nobara.[/color:370ebaf35f]
Any posts written in Indigo are made by MykaToriyama.[/color:370ebaf35f]
Likewise, green is Nobara.[/color:370ebaf35f]
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