Well I guess fortunate for Magellan, he didn't die when I shot him and went back to the Mystical Blue Forest(after being in the hospital for some minor injuries) and decided to have a "Yay the b***h is dead party" with all his friends. Lets see there was Twurtle the stoner turtle, Ferdinand the yellow duck, Clondike the purple polar bear, and of course, Icy the blue penguin(I.E the stupid blue penguin judge). Well while all this was going on, I had woken up(remembering I died when I was hit by that bus) in a white abiss. I was just like" Oh s**t I must be in hell." So I sat there, not knowing where the hell I was, and just hoping all that was happening and what did happen was just a dream and that I would wake out of this nightmare soon. Well after sitting there for an hour, trying to wake up from my so called "Nightmare", I was on the verge of going insane from boredom. Finally I went insane and started to run in every direction like a rabid animal, screaming like a banchee. That is until I hit a part if the wall and ripped through it. It was wallpaper. And what I thought was an infenite abiss was actually a crazy room for observing people like lab rats. I have you know it really hurt when I broke through the wallpaper and the wall. N*E wayz where was I? Oh yes, to my luck no one was watching me at that moment(I guess I got boring). Apparently I didn't die when I was hit by the bus and after I was out of the hospital I deemed the criminally insane and was put here for crazy person observation. Damn how long was I out? Whatever N*E wayz, I got out of the hospital and was very pissed at that moose now more than ever. So I stopped at a friend's house who hooked me up with a bazooka and then headed towards the Mystical Blue Forest. "That b***h is going to die this time or I'm not criminally insane." Of course I got there at night and got so ******** lost in the forest, it wasn't funny. I finally found a place I new and decided to stop and ask for directions. It just happened to be the home of the very wise Vixie the blonde fox(One of my very good forest friends). Of course Vixie knew and Denalle the white, rainbow striped tiger was there too. Both begged to come with me to assasinate Magellan and all his stupid friends. I told them to come along and to hurry up. Vixie grabbed her specially crafted sword, Denalle grabbed her crossbow and we were off. We finally found the camp and hid behind the brush waiting for the right moment to strike when a spider crawled across my arm. I freaked out so bad that I started running not even realizing that I was running right toward the party. On the way down though I managed to trip in a hole, roll down the rest of the way down the hill, and knock myself out on a tree. When I woke up me, Denalle, and Vixie were tied up and in a very large pot full of hot water and crazy animals dancing around the fire that was around us. They were all drunk except for Twurte, he was just stoned out of his mind. Well they were all acting crazy and dancing around the fire when Magellan fell into it as drunk as he was and set hinself on fire. He freaked out and went careening out of control, screaming in every direction. He knocked over the pot in the process and persisted to run through the forest lighting everything on fire as he went. Every other animal was freaking out except for Twurtle, he was just all "Duuuuude sweet the colors are sooo awesome!" While all the other animals were freaking out and running away I managed to make it over to Denalle's sword and cut myself free and freed the others as well. The three of then ran out of the woods faster than bats out of hell and made it out. We stood there and watched as the forest burned down to the ground, hearing the screams of the others off in the distance. There was nothing left after the forest had burned to the ground and we decided that they must of all died. Right when we turned around to go somewhere safe, out of nowhere came a bear and persisted to maul me. I woke up in the hospital alive, but barely."s**t. Can this week get any worse" Moral of this story, drunk people and fire don't mix or something like that. END story #2. Come back to my journal later and I shall have another story for you. I hoped you liked this continuation, but this story us nowhere near the end so keep reading and enjoying.

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