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The journal of Kyanzaki that's what it is, and that's that....
27...no not Journal #27, I'm 27
Yep...27...I am 27...yeah...time to settle down with my soulmate, nothing less than soulmate, I will find her, and I when I do...ohhh...those women who turned me down...they'll be sorry!!! Yeah I meant it no more bottling my inner child, it is the reason why I am so angry, so hateful, so bottled up, so alone, I could never be who I was because what society has tore me down to. Although at the same time it's the same society that has taught me the greatness of tolerance and kindess. Now, everything will come to place, I am going to be a substitute teacher, this will turn into my occupation, this was my fate, time to move on I know I will be sadly missed at my present job, but it may not pay as much, but I'm okay as well and plus I am going to fulfill one of my many dreams...to become a substitute teacher (hey kinda like Yomiko from Read or Die, although my ability would be to hack into ANYTHING!) but seriously I've been losing it from the spot and to just find a way to stay at a job and know that there is something better out there for me is just sad...everyone worries it may not be enough to pay the bills...you have to realize as well I am also starting to put in orders for cookie dough, I'll probably leave in the beginning of August when school starts...but yeah all jokes aside time to settle down...With a woman who will love me for what I am in the inside not from the out, yes I am very good cook, and I clean [when its time to clean] but yeah, I believe that I will love her for who she is in the inside and out I want my woman to be attractive inside and out...[I want a hot nymph and she is very sweet, kind, intelligent, and will not be afraid to put me in line!] It's just everyone else will have to be moved aside now...Now is the time, to stop acting like a child without losing my inner child!

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