The thing about life, is that it is ever flowing. The power of it is endless. Remember that all the magick of life excists within a single tiny seed. As I have said once before. There are worlds within worlds. There is life within another life. Power is from you, from everyone. Since the beggining of time, humans and all other creatures have been charged to protect the lands of earth. However, humans have long forgotten their true mission in life is to not just learn, but to protect our beloved earth from harmfull things. Alot of people say that magick isn't there. Then if it isn't why do people fullfill their dreams? Because they believe they can yes but that simple belief is what makes them complete it. So in that, is it possible that if you believe in something so much impossible will it come true? I believe the answer is yes. For many years, my own family has told me such things were not real, they still tell me that. It does get to me, wondering if what I'am doing and what I say is actually there. Then again...comes actual proof behind the matter. Like, how would I know things about people I never met? You don't just do that.
There is a power deep inside each of us. It cannot be explained by any scientific way. It cannot be prooved scientificly that it is there. However, for the convencing people out there KNOW that things can be true. Like magick its self, it is everything. The web of life is around us all the time. We do have the ability to tap into this power, yet we do not. Why? No one knows exactly. However for the few thousand of us that use this power, we may not be able to explain its excistance, but we do however believe and KNOW it is there. Some people say that it is only because we have an overactive imagionation. But, I believe its just because those people who can't do it, believe that they can't do it them selves, which explains why it never works for them. This power alot of people are jealous of, why is because they don't have it or either that it is because they don't know how and they envy that person for having it.
The idea of magick isn't some supernatural thing, it is actually part of the earth its self. Animals in the wild use it to help the plants grow, just as plants use it to heal the animals. We all are connected in one way or another to the web of life. Either here in the physical, or upon the astral plane. Humans seem to have a way of thinking "if I cannot see it then it isn't real." Which isn't entirly true. I always said that believing is seeing regaurdless of what anyone said about it. People fail to see that some are gifted in such a way to teach others, or perhaps to help the world in a way that others don't know how.
Yes, It is true that there is an evil and good side to this all. Demons, angels, and so many different creatures together. I won't go into details about it but I do know that light and dark are a big issue. Granted not all things dark are bad, but if you do not keep that light within the darkness you will become the darkness. Become nothing. Yes, alot of people ask to explain both aspects, but the truth is you cannot have one with out the other. You have to have darkness into the light other wise you become blinded by your own wants or possibly see to much good and not consider what is really there. Which with the dark, you cannot always see the good or feel loved because you never entered the light. There is so much power in both aspects of light and dark. Solar, lunar, ying, yang. All these aspects maintain to a simple point of balance, which is within each of us. The web of life is within these aspects. We have the power to control forces of distruction, but also the wonderful power of the forces of creation.
Everything you see, everything you do, has a light or dark aspect to it. All the things around us are alive, even if made by human hands. The trees, rocks, mountains, sky, ocean, the food we eat, the animals surrounding us, and the earth we live upon. It all has a spirit within. Just as space and time its self has one. It is all connected by the simple and delicate strands of the web of life. All of our magick, our power, our wishes come from that. Our dreams, when they come true, it is because we used our power to make them that way. All things in the universe people never realize, yes they are part of science but...they are also part of life its self. This includes the things we can see, and the things we cannot. The reason why we cannot see such wonderful beings, or such terrible ones is because humans have forgotten about them and put them as fairy tales. In truth, they are very real, but exsist within a different world. Not of the mind, but of a different universe then ours. The tools witches, wizards, and many other magickal ordained people use are the gateways to those worlds. Connecting both worlds together in unity to bring a positive out come. Or sometimes a negative one depending on how you work. Nevertheless, there is a balance within life and the magick of that we use every waking moment, but yet completly unaware that we do it. Soon the world will know, it is all real just by believing again the power will arise and a great change will become upon us. Until that waking day, all shall be as it is now.
I hope anyone who reads this enjoyed it, I know enjoyed sharing my perspective. I hope that some day all beings can have the same understanding. Until that day I await.
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