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trinka's journal thingie
Lalala.... la.
Sometimes I wish...
Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was nieve and the world was fun... I know I'm not perfect nor am I always happy but that doesn't give the people the right to judge me by my cover... So what if I say cynical things at times? It doesn't mean I'm always cynical... Plus, most of the time I am cynical is either because they b***h at me and then I get depressed or it's because of my low self-esteem....

Most people have come to know I can be quite a smat a**.... but how many of those people look past that? Being a smart a** can make a situation funny and when I over step my boundries people tell me and I stop... And the people I'm a smart a** with do it too. Plus, I'm not always a smart a**... I "make fun" of people jokingly and if someone doesn't get that then I tell them I'm joking and I say I'm sorry... Gee, I'm suching a ******** b***h.... >.< And half the time I'm making fun of myself! I think it's funny to point out my dorkness... I'm not afraid to admit I'm a dork... Maybe others are but I won't clump them all together in a group. Unlike the people do around here, where I live.... "Oh my gosh! She's such a b***h." <--- To those people... I say ******** You.

By the way... I'm not over sensitive but in fact I'm playing and it's not that hard to tell.... I have a HUGE grin on my face that shows I'm playing too... either that or I'm being dramatic.... I didn't know that it was so hard to tell that I'm playing too.... =|

*sigh* Ok, I'm done ranting about the assholes in my world.... And if I sound cynical today... I blame it on both the assholes and myself... I should know better then to let them get to me. >.>

Oh yeah! I see that lots of people like to read my journal but I barely see any comments. gonk domokun

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