Thanks for all the Birthday wishes people. heart heart
Birthday's make me way too emo. Especially when they're paired with all the other crap I have to go through, too. ):
Like my little attack on Saturday when I learned there was a tornado in Buffalo. I can't stand tornados. Everyone tells me they don't happen in WNY. But they do. They do and people can't tell me that anymore because it almost ripped apart my dad's milkplant and it destroyed my Starbucks and everything.
But now I'm sick though. Like really sick.
Sharing food and drink with Amanda when she's dying of a cold when my immune system sucks because of stress and breakdowns was quite possibly the best idea I've ever had. gonk
I had the best day of work today. I worked with Matt at the liquor store. It was just us two, but normally it's just him so we got everything done super fast and then just sat around talking in between customers.
I was telling him how I have to do a lifesized self portrait of myself nude for Life Drawing, and he turned so red. xd
He kept leaving to do stuff, and he'd always say "I'm going to Mexico now." or "I won't be coming back." and when he returned I'd go "MATT! ohmygod, I didn't think I'd ever see you again! "
I love Matt. He's ******** awesome. (: Cheered me up because he saw that I was down.
And I got paid $10 an hour for just hanging out and talking all day.
Working in a liquor store is the best job ever!
I just had the longest most depressing conversation with Amanda and Maria. I opened up way more than I'm used to. smile And I love it.
I am in a really good mood right now. biggrin
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