Name: Kaitou Dai-sama (No last name) Nickname: Dai Gender: Female Age: Undead, no Age Height: 5’ 7.5” Weight: 118 lbs Species: Diagonic Zompire Personality: Being a rather withdrawn creature, Dai chooses to drive others away rather than make acquaintances. She somehow has a likeable personality, despite the fact that approximately everyone believes she’s somewhat Anti-social, she does; however, show some characteristics of being trustworthy. Dai may also open up from her enclosed shell and become bright and cheerful, but only to those she deems worthy to see that side of her. Some also say she has MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), however no one will ever know what’s really wrong with her mentally. Appearance(s): During the day: Dai will appear fragile and weak, her skin and hair both bleach white, yet soft and attractive looking. Her eyes have a glow of emptiness, like a blue abyss waiting to be explored, although sometimes they scream for attention and love. She wears but little makeup, and random clothes each day. Upon her back lay folded up white dragon wings, covered with crystal like feathers here and there in small patches. Sample of appearance:

At night: Once the light fades and the night crawls in, Dai shifts from one beautiful creature a horrid embalmed death dealer. The smell of rotting flesh emits from her body as scars and stitches run across her arms, face, and legs. Patches of skin from her victims cover her open patches of dead flesh. Her once lovely white hair goes gray, dead, and stringy looking. Her eyes are hollowed out, as if no eyes lay in her head. As such, she turns into a living dead creature that kills for enjoyment. Sample of appearance:

Abilities: Semi-strong when in night form, but other than that, unknown. History: Not known. Weapons of choice: She likes to use her hands and mouth. Dislikes: “Bubbly” individuals, pink, and men with long hair. Likes: Vampirism, pale skin, Angry/unlikable personalities, and silver objects.
Sample of Role Playing ability: “…. Earlier reports have indicated that dangerous female individual was spotted tearing apart a homeless man in the rural area of….” The voice of a desperate news reported shattered and crackled to halt as the rather old television fell the ragged carpet in pieces. Sparks from the electrical wires sizzled and slowly died away.
Raspy and labored breathing came from a shadowed corner of the poorly cleaned hotel room. The breathing was mixed with soft groans and snarls, which led to movement. Movement of tearing and clawing sounds of flesh tearing and bones cracking.
As shown in the reflection of the broken television set, a creature with torn wings and hollowed eyes sockets, lunged across the room and out the window. Leaving two bodies of a male and female barely recognizable in the corner.
Kaitou Dai-sama · Sun Jul 02, 2006 @ 02:59am · 1 Comments |