Optimistic Type: Your anime personality is the Optimistic Type. You have a caring soul, and always see the good side to all things. If you could, you would try and save the world. You are guided by your emotions, and make decisions by what you believe to be right or wrong. People love your spirit, and look to you for that extra push. You are a true believer that the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side. Never change. The world NEEDS more people like you...Element: LightWeapon: Bow and ArrowsPet Peeve: People who give up hope
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Description: Your inner soul is content with the way it is. In general, you are a very sweet, caring person! Occasionally you can work up a stormyour anger getting to the best of you, but otherwise, youre just yourself most of the time. You love to kick back and hang out with your friends, but you also enjoy time by yourself to read a book and catch up on your studies. You love the wildlife and you can always seem to make the day better. Your lover/friends/family is/are the luckiest person/people in the world, because people like you are rare to come across. You love life and live it to the fullest but always still have your head in reality. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Quote: Only mediocrity can be trusted to be always at its best.
(Sir Max Beerbohm) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Poem Verse: A Sunset without a sun is no sunset at all.
A life without love is no life at all.
A rainbow without colors is no rainbow at all.
And heart without feelings is no human at all.
(Rachel Fogle) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Symbol: A snowflake (bliss to encounter) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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