Name: Karen Race: Kelpie Sex: Female Hair: Jet black, with slight red and dark brown highlights. Eyes: Dark Brown Skin: Slightly tanned, appears oriental. Occupation: Santuary Resident... Religion: -N/A- Homeworld: -N/A-
Apparence: Because Karen is a Kelpie, it means she's a shapeshifter, but most commonly, she will appear as a horse with reeds and water plants for a mane and tail, along with a black coat and slightly sharper than normal canines, or a elf with black, highlighted hair, slightly sharp canines, and a black horse tail. When a reed-horse, as a Kelpie is usually protrayed, she's about the size of a large pony, and when elven, she's about 5' 3'' tall with a normal build.
Choise of Weapons: A simple wooden bow accompanied by a buck-skin sack of a dozen arrows. When in any form, the bow and arrows are strapped to her back with a nylon strap, which is red in color.
Speciality: Since Kelpies are known for their cruel ways of drowing people or animals in water for a meal, Karen is extremely agile in water, though she doesn't attack for food. She also has incredibly accurate aim when it comes to shooting an arrow, and usually doens't miss her target.
ll SilverLeaf ll · Sun Jun 25, 2006 @ 12:12am · 0 Comments |