Hello and welcome to my gardening journal. Here I will be documenting the first project I've decided to undertake as a gardening newcomer. As you can probably tell by the banner above, I've decided to grow a mini pumpkin patch this year. Yes, you read that right: a pumpkin patch!
I've decided to grow a variety of pumpkins this year along with a couple of squash and ornamental gourds. I know it seems like a lot for someone who is relatively new to gardening, but my main goal going into this isn't to harvest an abundance of pumpkins or be wildly successful, it's to gain experience, knowledge, skills, and most important of all... to have FUN! Honestly, if I end up with only one measly pumpkin by the end of this, I will consider it a success 3nodding
I will be posting journal entries regularly documenting my progress. I will make sure to include all of my gardening triumphs and pitfalls. So please feel free to pop in here once in a while to check how my patch is doing.
If you are a fellow gardener and have any tips you'd like to share with me, I'd be more than happy to hear them. Also, if you happen to be growing something at the moment, tell me all about it! If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, leave a comment or shoot me a pm and I'll try my best to get back to you.
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day. Happy harvesting! yum_pumpkinpie
I decided to list links to a few basic questions below:
~ What is your gardening background?
~ Why did you decide to grow pumpkins?
~ What are some of the problems you've faced?